Drawing Studio Week 3 Review

Museum Of Natural History Trip


The class met at school, where I discussed principles of perspective and tonality. I explained weight of line, and how things recede using tone as example. I talked about Seurat and examples of compositional tonal drawing (Picasso, Klimpt).

I had them do a value chart in pencil, ranging from 0% – 100%, light to dark. We have not gone over these as of yet, so the class has another week to complete this assignment if it looks wrong.


Here is an example I found online:

We discussed composition further, as well as the planes of the head – as it relates to the self portrait assignment.




















All homework is to be gone back into (unless instructed otherwise) — instilling the changes we discussed in class. If the drawing gets overworked,  another one is to be developed with more focus.

After an hour lecture, we left for the museum, arriving with navigational errors negated. Upon arrival I told the students to find their own cultural exhibitions – and to draw and photograph as many objects as possible — for use in later projects. The significance being the relation to their unique make up, juxtaposed with items suitable to hold interest.

We got back to class after our arduous journey south, giving us about 15 minutes to eat lunch and get ready for the first real critique of their work.


We are still exploring volume by drawing larger contours of fruit, dolls or objects found that have interesting edges. Find the negative space and block it out in pattern or tone.



Bring to class –

Tracing Paper


Drawing Paper


NewsPrint Paper

Books on Masters


