Painting of Izzy – in progress

Posted on February 14, 2012


I use a ground of olive green and orange, to make mud – this I use to create the underpainting/drawing. My pallet is a mess, it is usually quite clean – but I wanted to show what I was working with as I go.








I block in the composition first, in this case I create a box within a box – as I had no time to stretch a new canvas, and thought it interesting to create something in this manner.









I know what I am looking for when I paint, and usually don’t search too long if the composition needs adjusting. Composition is the key component in creating a balance worth keeping.









At this point I am drawing with tone, blocking in large areas or values, comparing and contrasting as I go. I don’t go for temperature as it relates to tone at this point, I am only interested in the composition and how the profile relates to the edge interestingly.









Now I start to alter the values through the use of hues, or white paint. The blue in the white offsets the umber feeling the mud created. It is not apparent, as I want to reserve putting on layers of more effective skin tone value for a later day.









I alter the chroma, drawing and contrast in order to find more interest to keep moving with this painting.










Blocking in the large background area.









The photo below shows the scale of the piece, from about 20 feet back.

Stay tuned for updates!

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