On Creating…
The essence of creativity is inspiration. To be inspired by something means you give your entire being over to the sentient processes there before you, and a calling to a higher ideal transforms through thought into action – if action is taken. Inspiration drives the creative to do many things, most of which will never see the light of day — but all combine to create a unified existence of purpose within an artist. The projects or ideas that do surface gracefully, with no struggle – into the field of activity, and reveal themselves to be charged with life and inspired – are the works we see in museums, portfolios and galleries. It is within the days of creating things out of habit and a foresight to future positive outcome will push better work forward. It is not in thinking that this occurs, rather in the doing and observation of craft.
I create art to feel the process of evolution. It expands my thought processes to include aspects of the ethereal and brings forth a joining of inner clarity and social outward awareness. I am too aware of this, and so I find myself addicted to finding this state of Nirvana through creating either paintings, drawings or music. In this field of activity I am more at home and enjoy life much deeper, than if I did not correlate the two worlds.
‘Darwin’ by Gavin Spielman
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